Monday, September 01, 2008

like the ultimate update

So i've been keeping myself rather busy these past few days with Mum here. Its been good - i'm getting 'home cooked food' ... ' ' due to the fact that technically my Mum almost never cooks at home. She was too busy with work plus we already had my nanny who makes the most delicious meals! :D Anyways its good to have Mum here so she can relax and be my personal maid ... LOL!

Before Mum came over, had dinner with Sue and Forry at The Steakhouse in Docklands. We were looking for steak and wanted to try somewhere in Docklands for a change. Food wasn't as fantastic as we thought it would have been. Somehow the tacky menus resembled that of Blue Fire ... are they affiliated? Hmmm... nways the steaks were mediocre but the oysters that we ordered to share was just plain terrible - not fresh at all! Boo! I guess that goes to show you can't order seafood from a steak place huh?


Mum took us to some good ol' Beijing duck in the city on Friday. The food was very refined and i'll give them two thumbs up for the quality for the food and presentation. The atmosphere on the other hand .. made me feel like i was back in Beijing all over again. :P Didn't manage to get a proper picture of the chef craving our duck but the meal came with our very own certificate for consuming the duck, how cute is that ?


Duck in a duck with ducks around :P

Wagyu beef with house special sauce - absolute must! The beef is so tender n juicy. I could just eat this and be contented forever!

Pork ribs in mandarin sauce - another must try! :D

And then while waiting while everyone was in the toilet, i made them take pictures with the nice Chinese decorated chair n table. :P


Then over the weekend, a very last minute bid to being patriotic and all (-_-") we went clubbing and i got my when-will-i-ever-learn-sorry-little-ass drunk. Goodness, i'm like some cooped up goody-two-shoes who if given a lil alcohol on a night out gets all wasted ... i do apologize to anyone and everyone at that night. :P Why do we do this to our selves? Why torture the body? I am now declaring a self restrain against the bubblies, they are evil! :P And now for some pictures:

When i got bored and realised my camera has all these cool functions :P

Table boy

My girls! :D

Still with my girls ... LOL






Yes, it was that much of fun. :P So much fun that as with all drunken escapades i had to come home with souvenirs, a bruise on my left foot and a scratch just below my knee. Heaven knows what i did to get them. -_-"

p/s: i realise this is a sudden long post. in my defense, Mum thinks im studying when im on the computer. i look really intense and busy i suppose. have a test to study for which i will now start on! :P

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