Saturday, May 24, 2008

a point in history

Today marks an important day in history. Today, i, Christina Wong, actually manage to sleep past 11 am! Ok, i know its not entirely a wow-factor but i have been know to be a really early riser. Think 10 am my latest. Maybe i got it from the whole early bird catches the worm analogy thing from school or something. -_-" Obviously i'm still figuring out just what worm i'm suppose to catch since it doensn't entirely makes me more productive but i guess that's a whole different story now isn't it?

So yes, let me bask in my moment of glory. Now i know what every other person who wakes up past 12 feels like ... -_-"

p/s: the last post was not my greatest but i'm gonna learn to deal with it ... somehow i shall find the light (not like the dying white light but the sense of where i'm going light). O and shuen, i couldn't help thinking of Pete Wentz went i thought of the word emo, lol - very unappropriate on my part, must be too much Perez Hilton reading. :P

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