Wednesday, July 02, 2008

embaressing moments are only embaressing if you remember them

Thanks to Sue's 21st on Friday, we got to re-live our fresher years = shakin' our booty like there was no tomorrow ... i think. -_-" We started with a light dinner at Kenzan with a bottle of bubblies. Food was good but i think our oysters, sashimis & wagyus weren't exactly enough to line our tummies. Goes to show that just coz we're older doesn't necessarily makes us wiser. :P


This was then followed by pre-drinks with everyone else at Martini Bar. Note my super nice curled-at-the-end hair done by the professional at Sui :D Sue's birthday treat which is kinda ironic since its her birthday and i should be the one treating her for the pampering.


After the much <3 martinis (sour apple!!!) we headed to Se7en.



I'm such a bad drunk as i remember bits and pieces from the night. However, i dont quite remember how i got these bruises:



Totally accident-prone and a total klutz. This is why im keeping to one drink a night and only when its absolutely necessary.

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